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馬偕醫學院 Mackay Medical College
(Chen, Chih-Hao)
職稱 助理教授



馬偕紀念醫院 胸腔外科主治醫師
馬偕紀念醫院 外科住院醫師訓練


外科學, 論文寫作, 胸腔外科學


新式醫療器材, 創新手術, 醫療電子

  1. Kung-Ming Wu, Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang, Chao-Hung Chen.  Late pulmonary metastasis of inflammatory breast cancer 26 years after initial radiation therapy alone. Case Studies in Surgery. Vol.2:1-3. Mar. 2016. (其它地區具同儕審核機制之期刊)
  2. Chih-Hao Chen, Tsang-Pai Liu, Ho Chang, Hung-Chang Liu, Chao-Hung Chen.  An Innovative Chest Drainage System with a Real-time Pressure Monitoring Device.. Journal of Thoracic Disease. Vol.2015:1-10. Jul. 2015. (SCI)
  3. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang, Tsang-Pai Liu, Tung-Sung Huang, Chao-Hung Chen.  Application of wireless electrical non-fiberoptic endoscope: Potential benefit and limitation in endoscopic surgery.. International Journal of Surgery. Vol.19:6-10. May. 2015. (SCI)
  4. Cheng-Kwang Hua, Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang.  A fast method of surgical tracheostomy: A preliminary result of minimally invasive tracheostomy". Archives of Clinical and Experimental Surgery.. Vol.4:36-40. Apr. 2015. (其它地區具同儕審核機制之期刊)
  5. Ho Chang, Mu-Jung Kao, Chih-Hao Chen, Shu-Hua Chien.  Fabrication of photoelectrode film using anodic oxidation technique for dye-sensitized solar cells.. Optical Materials. Vol.36:1436-1442. Oct. 2014. (SCI)
  6. Ho Chang, Mu-Jung Kao, Chih-Hao Chen.  Analysis on the design and property of flow field plates of innovative direct methanol fuel cell.. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. Vol.14-No.10:8066-8069. Oct. 2014. (SCI)
  7. Kun-Ching Cho, Ho Chang, Chih-Hao Chen*, Mu-Jung Kao, Xuan-Rong Lai.  A Study of Mixed Vegetable Dyes with Different Extraction Concentrations for Use as a Sensitizer for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. International Journal of Photoenergy. Vol.2014:1-5. Jul. 2014. (SCI)
  8. Ho Chang, Chih-Hao Chen*, Mu-Jung Kao, Hsin-Han Hsiao.  Effects of Core-shell Ag@TiO2 volume-ratio on characteristics of TiO2-based DSSCS.. Journal of Nanomaterials. Vol.2014:1-8. Jun. 2014. (SCI)
  9. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang, Tsang Pai Liu, Tung-Sung Huang, Chao-Hung Chen.  Application of wireless electrical non-fiberoptic endoscope: Potential benefit and limitation in endoscopic surgery. International Journal of Surgery. Vol.19:6-10. Jun. 2014. (SCI)
  10. Ho Chang, Chih-Hao Chen*, Mu-Jung Kao, Hsin-Han Hsiao.  Effect of Core-Shell Ag@TiO2 Volume Ratio on Characteristics of TiO2-Based DSSCs. Journal of Nanomaterials. Vol.2014:1-8. Jun. 2014. (SCI)
  11. Ho Chang, Mu-Hung Kao, Chih-Hao Chen, Shu-Hua Chien, Shi-Sheng Liang.  Fabrication of photoelectrode film using anodic oxidation technique for dye-sensitized solar cells. Optical Materials. Vol.36:1436-1442. Jun. 2014. (SCI)
  12. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang, Tzu-Ti Hung, Chih-Yin Tai.  Treatment of bilateral empyema thoracis using unilateral single-port thoracoscopic approach.. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.. Vol.20-No.06:1034-1037. Mar. 2014. (SCI)
  13. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang, Chih-Yin Tai, Shih-Yi Lee, Hung-Chang Liu, Tzu-Ti Hung, Chao-Hung Chen.  Bilateral pulmonary metastectomy through a unilateral single-port thoracoscopic approach. Journal of thoracic disease. Vol.6-No.4:143-147. Feb. 2014. (SCI)
  14. Hsin-Hung Wu, Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang, Hung-Chang Liu, Tzu-Ti Hung, Shih-Yi Lee.  A preliminary report on the feasibility of single-port thoracoscopic surgery for diaphragm plication in the treatment of diaphragm eventration.. J Cardiothorac Surg.. Vol.2013:1-8. Dec. 2013. (SCI)
  15. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang.  Video-guided tube thoracostomy with use of an electrical nonfiberoptic endoscope.. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. Vol.96:1450-1454. Dec. 2013. (SCI)
  16. Tsung TT, Liang-Yu Yang, Chih-Hao Chen, Ho Chang.  The illumination of an electrical non-fiberoptic endoscope in surgery.. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol.2013:1645-1648. Oct. 2013. (EI)
  17. Shi LY, Tien-Li Chen, Chih-Hao Chen.  Synthesis and Characterization of Gel-type Electrolyte Added with Ionic Liquid for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells.. International Journal of photoenergy. Vol.2013:1-10. Jul. 2013. (SCI)
  18. Hung-Chang Liu, Huang-Wen Chien, Chien-Lian Wu, Jun-Tan Huang, Chih-Hao Chen.  Surgery for elderly lung cancer.. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Vol.19-No.06:416-422. May. 2013. (SCI)
  19. Ho Chang, Chih-Hao Chen, Mu-Jung Kao.  Photoelectrode film of dye-sentizied solar cell fabricated by anodizing method and spin coating and electrochemical impedence properties of DSSC.. Applied Surface Science. Vol.275:252-257. May. 2013. (SCI)
  20. Ho Chang, Mu-Jung Kao, Tien-Li Chen, Chih-Hao Chen.  Characterization of Natural Dye Extracted from Wormwood and Purple Cabbage for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells.. International Journal of photoenergy. Vol.2013:1-8. Mar. 2013. (SCI)
  21. Shih-Yi Lee, Chih-Hao Chen.  The radiological manifestations of the aberrant air surrounding the pleura: in the embryological view.. Pulm Med.. Vol.2012:1-13. Dec. 2012. (其它地區具同儕審核機制之期刊)
  22. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang, Shih-Yi Lee, Hung-Chang Liu, Tzu-Ti Hung.  Single-port thoracoscopic surgery can be a first-line approach for elective thoracoscopic surgery.. Rev Port Pneumology. Vol.18-No.6:278-284. Nov. 2012. (SCI)
  23. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang, Liang-Yu Yang, Liu HC, , Tsung TT,,  Hung TT.  A preliminary report of a disposable electrical non-fiberoptic endoscope in thoracoscopic surgery.. Int J Surg.. Vol.10-No.01:20-24. Oct. 2012. (SCI)
  24. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang, Hung-Chang Liu, Tzu-Ti HUng, WC Huang.  Pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum and pneumopericardium complications arising from a case of wisdom tooth extraction.. Rev Port Pneumol.. Vol.18-No.04:194-197. Jul. 2012. (SCI)
  25. Chih-Hao Chen*, Shih-Yi Lee, Ho Chang, Hung-Chang Liu, Tzu-Ti Hung, Chao-Hung Chen.  The adequacy of single-incisional thoracoscopic surgery as a first-line endoscopic approach for the management of recurrent primary spontaneous pneumothorax: a retrospective study. Journal of Cardiothoracic surgery. Vol.7:1-7. Jul. 2012. (SCI)
  26. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang.  A rare case of dysphagia and palpitation caused by the compression exerted by an enormous mediastinal lipoma.. Rev Port Pneumol.. Vol.18-No.03:149-152. May. 2012. (SCI)
  27. Ho Chang, Lan CW, Chih-Hao Chen.  Measurement of friction force characteristics of pneumatic cylinder under dry and lubricated conditions.. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review). Vol.88:1-7. May. 2012. (SCI)
  28. Chih-Hao Chen*, Shih-Yi Lee, Ho Chang, Hung-Chang Liu, Chao-Hung Chen, Wen-Chien Huang.  Technical aspects of single-port thoracoscopic surgery for lobectomy. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Vol.7:1-6. May. 2012. (SCI)
  29. Ho Chang, Chih-Hao Chen, Chang HM,,  Shi LY.  Development of Gel-Type Electrolyte for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell.. Advanced Science Letters,. Vol.8:839-844. Apr. 2012. (SCI)
  30. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang.  A modified esophageal stent using a chest tube and nasogastric tube as an alternative treatment for repeated esophageal stricture.. J of Med Research and Sci.. Vol.2012:23-26. Mar. 2012. (其它地區具同儕審核機制之期刊)
  31. Chih-Hao Chen*, Shih-Yi Lee, Ho Chang, Tzu-Ti Hung.  Long-term productive cough caused by tracheal bronchus.. Arch Clin Exp Surg.. Vol.1-No.02:120-121. Feb. 2012. (其它地區具同儕審核機制之期刊)
  32. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang.  Unusual presentation of dysphagia caused by bronchogenic cyst.. JRSM Short Rep.. Vol.2-No.09:72-72. Sep. 2011. (其它地區具同儕審核機制之期刊)
  33. Ho Chang ,  Wu YC, Chih-Hao Chen.  Hybridization of ODNs with the core shell structure of Fe3O4 Nanoparticle and CS/ALG composite structure.. Applied Mechanics and Materials.. Vol.2011:349-353. Aug. 2011. (SCI)
  34. Chang H,,, Chen TL, Kao MJ, Chih-Hao Chen.  Synthesis and characterization of natural dye and counter electrode thin films with different carbon materials for dye-sensitized solar cells.. J Nanosci Nanotechnol.. Vol.11-No.08:7499-7502. Aug. 2011. (SCI)
  35. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang, Huang YZ,,  Hung TT..  Hand-grip strength is a simple and effective outcome predictor in esophageal cancer following esophagectomy with reconstruction: a prospective study.. J Cardiothorac Surg.. Vol.2011:1-10. Aug. 2011. (SCI)
  36. Chih-Hao Chen*, Ho Chang, Hung-Chang Liu, Tsung TT, Hung TT.  Spontaneous empyema necessitatis caused by Aspergillus fumigatus in an immunocompetent patient.. JRSM Short Rep.. Vol.2-No.4:25-25. Mar. 2011. (其它地區具同儕審核機制之期刊)
  37. Yao WT, Chih-Hao Chen, Lee JJ, Chen BF, Liu TP.  Ectopic thymic carcinoma in the neck.. Ann Thorac Surg.. Vol.90-No.02:666-668. Aug. 2010. (SCI)
  38. Hung-Chang Liu, Chen YC, , , Chen CH, Chen YJ.  Esophagectomy in Elderly Patients With Esophageal Cancer.. International Journal of Gerontology.. Vol.4:176-179. Apr. 2010. (SCI)
  39. Chih-Hao Chen*, Hung-Chang Liu, Hung TT, Chao-Hung Chen.  Restrictive chest wall deformity as a complication of surgical repair for pectus excavatum. . Ann Thorac Surg. Vol.89-No.02:599-601. Feb. 2010. (SCI)
  40. Chih-Hao Chen*, Hung-Chang Liu, Hung TT, Tsang-Pai Liu.  Possible roles of Epstein-Barr virus in Castleman disease.. J Cardiothorac Surg.. Vol.2009:1-9. Jul. 2009. (SCI)
  41. Chih-Hao Chen*, Hung TT, Chen TY, Hung-Chang Liu.  Torsion of right middle lobe after a right upper lobectomy.. J Cardiothorac Surg.. Vol.2009:01-03. Apr. 2009. (SCI)
  42. Chih-Hao Chen*, Huang WC, Chen TY, Hung TT, Hung-Chang Liu, Chao-Hung Chen.  Massive necrotizing pneumonia with pulmonary gangrene.. Ann Thorac Surg. Vol.87-No.1:310-311. Jan. 2009. (SCI)
  43. Chih-Hao Chen*, Rong-Lu Lin, Hung-Chang Liu, Chen CH, Hung TT.  Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor mimicking anterior mediastinal malignancy.. Ann Thorac Surg.. Vol.86-No.04:1362-1364. Oct. 2008. (SCI)
  44. Chih-Hao Chen*, WC Huang, Hung-Chang Liu, Chao-Hung Chen, Chen TY.  Surgical outcome of inflammatory pseudotumor in the lung.. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.. Vol.56-No.4:214-216. Jun. 2008. (SCI)
  45. Chih-Hao Chen*, Chen TC, WC Huang, Chen TY, Liu HC.  An unusual successfully treated case of pulmonary yolk sac tumor.. Ann Thorac Surg.. Vol.85-No.02:656-658. Feb. 2008. (SCI)
  46. Chih-Hao Chen, Hung-Chang Liu, Tung KY, Lee JJ, Liu CL.  Surgical outcome of superficial and deep Castleman disease.. ANZ J Surg.. Vol.77-No.05:339-343. May. 2007. (SCI)
2011-08Gangrene - Current Concepts and Management OptionsChih-Hao Chen;
2015-03-21 ~ 2015-03-21即時影像處理之內視鏡裝置ENDOSCOPE DEVICE WITH REALTIME IMAGE PROCESSING201347721張合;陳治豪;
2014-12-01 ~ 2014-12-01台灣工程科技與應用醫學學會副理事長
2013-07-01 ~ 2013-07-01International Journal of Case report and images ( IJCRI)編輯委員
2013-07-01 ~ 2013-07-01Journal of Surgery編輯委員
2013-07-01 ~ 2013-07-01Frontier in Surgery編輯委員
2012-07-01 ~ 2012-07-01Archieves of Clinical and Experimental Surgery編輯委員
2014-09-01 ~ 2014-09-01優良教師台灣
2011-09-01 ~ 2011-09-01優良教師台灣
2010-09-01 ~ 2010-09-01優良教師台灣
2009-09-01 ~ 2009-09-01優良教師台灣
2008-09-01 ~ 2008-09-01優良教師台灣





