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馬偕醫學院 Mackay Medical College
(Wu, Yih-Jer)
職稱 教授


  • 馬偕紀念醫院內科住院醫師、心臟內科總醫師、主治醫師、資深主治醫師
  • 馬偕醫護管理學院兼任講師、助理教授
  • 國立陽明大學傳統醫藥學所兼任助理教授




  1. Tien TY, Wu YJSu CH, Hsieh CL, Wang BJ, Lee YN, Su Y, Yeh HI.  Pannexin 1 modulates angiogenic activities of human endothelial colony-forming cells through IGF-1 mechanism and is a marker of senescence. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY. Vol.43-No.10:1935-1951. Oct. 2023. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3)
  2. Ting YH, Yu MW, Wu YJWu SH.  Long-term experience and safety of transitioning from subcutaneous Treprostinil to oral selexipag in the high-risk pulmonary hypertension patient: A case report. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.39-No.3:492-496. May. 2023. (SCI/SCIE)
  3. Lee CY, Liu CYWu YJLin CC.  Analysis of intensive care and ACGME core competencies between PGY2 and R1 residents of internal medicine. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.17-No.2:124-129. Apr. 2023. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3, SDGs4)
  4. Liu YYHung TCLee CWWu YJ*.  Early signs of cardiovascular senescence in a patient with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.17-No.2:141-143. Apr. 2023. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3)
  5. Lee YN, Wu YJ, Lee HI, Wang HHHung CL, Chang CY, Chou YH, Tien TY, Lee CWLin CFSu CHYeh HI.  Hsa-miR-409-3p regulates endothelial progenitor senescence via PP2A-P38 and is a potential aging marker in humans. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE. Vol.27-No.5:687-700. Mar. 2023. (SCI/SCIE)
  6. Wu TWChou CL, Cheng CF, Lu SX, Wu YJ*Wang LY.  Association of genetic markers of diabetes mellitus with carotid atherosclerosis: a community-based case-control study. Cardiovascular Diabetology. Vol.22:e51. Mar. 2023. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3)
  7. Wu SILiu SIWu YJHuang LL, Liu TJ, Kao KL, Lee YH.  The efficacy of applying the Interpersonal Effectiveness skills of dialectical behavior therapy into communication skills workshop for clinical nurses. Heliyon. Vol.9-No.3:e14066. Mar. 2023. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3, SDGs4, SDGs5)
  8. Huang WC, Hsieh SC, Wu YW, Hsieh TY, Wu YJ, Li KJ, Charng MJ, Chen WS, Sung SH, Tsao YP, Ho WJ, Lai CC, Cheng CC, Tsai HC, Hsu CH, Lu CH, Chiu YW, Shen CY, Wu CH, Liu FC, Lin YH, Yeh FC, Liu WS, Lee HT, Wu SH, Chang CC, Chu CY, Hou CJY, Tsai CY.  2023 Taiwan Society of Cardiology (TSOC) and Taiwan College of Rheumatology (TCR) Joint Consensus on connective tissue disease-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.39-No.2:213-241. Mar. 2023. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3)
  9. Liu YYWu SHTsai CT, Sun FJ, Hou CJY, Yeh HIWu YJ*.  Pulse wave analysis predicts invasive hemodynamics in pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.39-No.2:319-330. Mar. 2023. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3)
  10. Wu SJ, Fan YF, Chien CYWu YJ.  Merits and demerits of entrustable professional activities for assessments of surgical residents: A systemic review. Health Sciences Review. Vol.5:e100069. Dec. 2022. (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊) ( SDGs4)
  11. Huang PH, Lu YW, Tsai YL, Wu YW, Li HY, Chang HY, Wu CH, Yang CY, Tarng DC, Huang CC, Ho LT, Lin CF, Chien SC, Wu YJYeh HI, Pan WH, Li YH.  2022 Taiwan lipid guidelines for primary prevention. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Vol.121-No.12:2393-2407. Dec. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
  12. Lin TF, Chou CL, Hsieh CJ, Wu YJChen YCWu TW, Lu SX, Chuang YLWang LY.  Association of common variants in OLA1 gene with preclinical atherosclerosis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. Vol.23-No.19:e11511. Sep. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
  13. Tsai CL, Chang YHSu CHWu YJYeh HILin CF.  Real-world data on the prescription of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitors in high-risk patients in a tertiary medical center. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Vol.121-No.9:1877-1880. Sep. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
  14. Lai JH, Cheng KH, Wu YJLin CC.  Assessing clinical reasoning ability in fourth-year medical students via an integrative group history-taking with an individual reasoning activity. BMC Medical Education. Vol.22-No.1:e573. Jul. 2022. (SSCI)
  15. Chuang MM, Wu SH, Charng MJ, Wu YJ.  A Novel BMPR2 variant gene in relation with hereditary pulmonary arterial hypertension combined with pulmonary arteriovenous malformations. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.38-No.4:542-545. Jul. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
  16. Wang TD, Chiang CE, Chao TH, Cheng HM, Wu YW, Wu YJ, Lin YH, Chen MYC, Ueng KC, Chang WT, Lee YH, Wang YC, Chu PH, Chao TF, Kao HL, Hou CJY, Lin TH.  2022 guidelines of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology and the Taiwan Hypertension Society for the management of hypertension. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.38-No.3:225-325. May. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
  17. Chiou WR, Lin PL, Huang CC, Chuang JY, Liu LYMSu MILaio FCKuo JYTsai CTWu YJWang KTLee YH.  Rhythm control without catheter ablation may have benefits beyond stroke prevention in rivaroxaban-treated non-permanent atrial fibrillation. Scientific Reports. Vol.12-No.1:e3745. Mar. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
  18. Liu HY, Wu YJ, Huang SC, Liu CL, Hsu HH, Yu CJ.  Experiences with pulmonary endarterectomy for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension at multiple centers in Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Vol.121-No.3:604-612. Mar. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
  19. Shu-Hao WuYih-Jer Wu*.  Regular Risk Assessment in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension - A Whistleblower for Hidden Disease Progression. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.38-No.2:113-123. Mar. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
  20. Lin SI, Huang CC, Sung SH, Liu LYM, Lin PL, Lan WR, Chao CL, Chiou WRTsai CTWu YJ, Wang TD, Lee YH.  Preprocedural features of patients under antihypertensive drugs may help identify responders to renal denervation: a hypothesis-generating study. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. Vol.23-No.2:e65. Feb. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
  21. Lin PL, Chiou WRSu MI, Huang CC, Liao FCLiu LYM, Chuang JY, Chen CYTsai CTKuo JY, Yang TF, Wu YJLee YH.  Exploratory Evaluation of Rhythm Control by Dronedarone in Combination With Low-Dose Rivaroxaban, Warfarin, Antiplatelet, or None of the Antithrombotic Therapy in High-Risk Patients With Non-Permanent Atrial Fibrillation: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis-Hemostasis. Vol.27:e10760296211. Dec. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
  22. Wu SJ, Fan YF, Sun SChien CYWu YJ.  Perceptions of medical students towards and effectiveness of online surgical curriculum: a systematic review. BMC Medical Education. Vol.21-No.1:e571. Nov. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
  23. Lee YN, Wang HHSu CH, Lee HI, Chou YH, Hsieh CL, Liu WT, Shu KT, Chang KT, Yeh HIWu YJ*.  Deferoxamine accelerates endothelial progenitor cell senescence and compromises angiogenesis. Aging-US. Vol.13-No.17:21364-21384. Sep. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
  24. Liu HY, Lu TP, Tao CW, Wu YJ, Huang WC, Hsu CH, Liao WC, Hsu HH, Lin MC, Yu CJ.  Incidence of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Vol.120-No.9:1740-1748. Sep. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
  25. Chiang CE, Ueng KC, Chao TH, Lin TH, Wu YJ, Wang KL, Sung SH, Yeh HI, Li YH, Liu PY, Chang KC, Shyu KG, Huang JL, Tsai CD, Hung HF, Liu ME, Chao TF, Cheng SM, Cheng HM, Chu PH, Yin WH, Wu YW, Chen WJ, Lai WT, Lin SJ, Yeh SJ, Huang JJ, Hou CJY.  2021 Consensus Pathway of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology on Novel Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes. JACC: Asia. Vol.1-No.2:129-146. Aug. 2021. (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
  26. Wang HH, Lin CA, Tseng YM, Lee HI, Lee YN, Yeh HIYang PSPeng HYWu YJ.  Dihydrolipoic acid-coated gold nanocluster bioactivity against senescence and inflammation through the mitochondria-mediated JNK/AP-1 pathway. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine. Vol.36:e102427. Aug. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
  27. Lan WRLin SILiao FC, Chang HY, Tsai CTWu YJ, Liu PY, Chen CH, Lee YH.  Effect of reducing heart rate on outcomes in patients with reduced ejection fraction. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. Vol.150:77-81. Jul. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
  28. Chiou WR, Huang CC, Lin PL, Chuang JY, Liu LYM, Su MI, Liao FC, Chen CY, Kuo JY, Tsai CTWu YJLee YH.  Safety and effectiveness of rivaroxaban in combination with various antiarrhythmic drugs in patients with non-permanent atrial fibrillation. American journal of cardiovascular drugs. Vol.21-No.4:459-469. Jul. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
  29. Lee YN, Wu YJ, Lee HI, Wang HH, Chang CY, Tien TY, Lin CFSu CHYeh HI.  Ultrasonic microbubble VEGF gene delivery improves angiogenesis of senescent endothelial progenitor cells. Scientific Reports. Vol.11-No.1:e13349. Jun. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
  30. Lee CW, Liu CY, Chen CH, Wang MS, Wu YJLin CC.  Simulation-based education can help resident’s readiness in critical care and medical ethical issues. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.15-No.2:138-144. Apr. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
  31. Tien TY, Wu YJSu CHWang HH, Hsieh CL, Wang BJ, Su Y, Yeh HI.  Reduction of connexin 43 attenuates angiogenic effects of human smooth muscle progenitor cells via inactivation of Akt and NF-κB pathway. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY. Vol.41-No.2:915-930. Feb. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
  32. Chiang CE, Ueng KC, Chao TH, Lin TH, Wu YJ, Wang KL, Sung SH, Yeh HI, Li YH, Liu PY, Chang KC, Shyu KG, Huang JL, Tsai CD, Hung HF, Liu ME, Chao TF, Cheng SM, Cheng HM, Chu PH, Yin WH, Wu YW, Chen WJ, Lai WT, Lin SJ, Yeh SJ, Hwang JJ.  2020 consensus of Taiwan Society of Cardiology on the pharmacological management of patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. Vol.83:587-621. Jul. 2020. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3)
  33. Wang HH, Lee YN, Su CH, Shu KT, Liu WT, Hsieh CL, Yeh HI, Wu YJ*.  S-phase kinase-associated protein-2 rejuvenates senescent endothelial progenitor cells and induces angiogenesis in vivo.. Scientific Reports. Vol.10-No.1:6646-6646. Apr. 2020. (SCI/SCIE)
  34. Huang WC, Hsu CH, Sung SH, Ho WJ, Chu CY, Chang CP, Chiu YW, Wu CH, Chang WT, Lin L, Lin SL, Cheng CC, Wu YJ, Wu SH, Hsieh TY, Hsu HH, Fu M, Dai ZK, Kuo PH, Cheng SM.  2018 TSOC guideline focused update on diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Vol.118:1584-1609. Dec. 2019. (SCI/SCIE)
  35. Wang HHWu YJ, Tseng YM, Su CH, Hsieh CL, Su CH.  Mitochondrial fission protein 1 up-regulation ameliorates senescence-related endothelial dysfunction of human endothelial progenitor cells. ANGIOGENESIS. Vol.22:569-582. Nov. 2019. (SCI/SCIE)
  36. Lee YN, Lin CF, Chang CY, Wu YJ, Tsai CH, Tseng SW, Lee HI, Yeh HISu CH.  Enhanced proliferation of endothelial progenitor cells post-ultrasonic microbubble transfection is plasmid DNA size dependent and contributed by interleukin-6 generation. ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. Vol.45:2434-2443. Sep. 2019. (SCI/SCIE)
  37. Lu CS, Lee YN, Wang SWWu YJSu CH, Hsieh CL, Tien TY, Wang BJ, Chen MC, Chen CW, Yeh HI.  KC21 peptide inhibits angiogenesis and attenuates hypoxia-induced retinopathy. Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research. Vol.12:366-377. Aug. 2019. (SCI/SCIE)
  38. Chien CY, Chang YH, Wu YJ, Lin PL, Chiou WR, Chi BC, Wu HP, Laio FC, Lee YH.  Effectiveness of a non-taped compression dress in patients receiving cardiac implantable electronic devices. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.35:320-324. May. 2019. (SCI/SCIE)
  39. Lu WC, Chang YH, Lee WY, Wu YJ, Lin CC。  Interprofessional education: the implementation and outcomes of pharmacist shadowing for medical interns。 Formosa Journal of Clinical Pharmacy。 27卷-2期:135-140。 4月 2019。 (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
  40. Wu YJ, Lee YN, Wu TWChou CLWang LY.  Common genetic variants on bone morphogenetic protein receptor type IB (BMPR1B) gene are predictive to carotid intima-media thickness. CIRCULATION JOURNAL. Vol.83-No.4:749-756. Apr. 2019. (SCI/SCIE)
  41. Liu LYM, Lin PL, Liao FC, Lin SI, Chiou WR, Wu YJ, Lee YH.  Effect of Radiofrequency-based renal denervation: the impact of unplanned medication change from systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.35:144-152. Mar. 2019. (SCI/SCIE)
  42. Lin PL, Huang CC, Wu YJ, Su MI, Chiou WR, Liu LY, Liao FC, Lai E, Chen CY, Kuo JY, Lee YH.  Relations between baseline burden, maximum duration, and relative reduction of atrial fibrillation: insights from continuous monitoring in rhythm control. JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY. Vol.30:178-182. Feb. 2019. (SCI/SCIE)
  43. Chou CL*, Wu YJHung CL, Liu CC, Wang SDWu TWWang LYYeh HI.  Segment-specific prevalence of carotid artery plaque and stenosis in middle-aged adults and elders in Taiwan: A community-based study. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Vol.118:64-71. Jan. 2019. (SCI/SCIE)
  44. Chen WCChung CHLu YC, Wu MH, Chou PH, Yen YJ, Lai YW, Wang GS, Liu SC, Cheng JKWu YJYeh HIWang LYWang SW.  BMP-2 induces angiogenesis by provoking integrin alpha-6 expression in human endothelial progenitor cells. BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY. Vol.150:256-266. Apr. 2018. (SCI/SCIE)
  45. Wu TW, Liu CC, Hung CL, Yen, CH, Wu YJWang LYYeh HI.  Genetic profiling of young and aged endothelial progenitor cells in hypoxia. PLoS One. Vol.13:19657-19657. Apr. 2018. (SCI/SCIE)
  46. Hung CL, Chang SC, Chang SH, Chi PC, Lai YJ, Wang SW, Wu YJ, Yeh HI, Lin SJ, Chen CH, Mochly-Rosen D, Wang LY, MAGNET Study Investigators.  Genetic polymorphisms of alcohol metabolizing enzymes and alcohol consumption are associated with asymptomatic cardiac remodeling and subclinical systolic dysfunction in large community-dwelling Asians. Alcohol and Alcoholism. Vol.52-No.6:638-646. Nov. 2017. (SSCI) ( SDGs3, SDGs11)
  47. Lee HP, Liu YC, Chen PC, Tai HC, Li TM, Fong YC, Chang CS, Wu MH, Chiu LP, Wang CJ, Chen YH, Wu YJ, Tang CH, Wang SW.  Tanshinone IIA inhibits angiogenesis in human endothelial progenitor cells in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget. Vol.8-No.65:109217-109227. Nov. 2017. (Index Medicus或Excerpta Medica期刊 ) ( SDGs3)
  48. Wu SH, Wu YJ*。  Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: Diagnosis and treatment。 Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan(內科學誌)。 28卷-3期:140-147。 6月 2017。 (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
  49. Hung TC, Su CH, Wu YJ, Hung CL, Yeh HI, Wang LY.  Cardiovascular risk and lipid management reimbursement between patients with stage 3-5 chronic kidney disease and those with diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.11-No.1:51-52. Mar. 2017. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3)
  50. Wu TW, Hung CL, Liu CC, Wu YJ, Wang LY, Yeh HI.  Association of cardiovascular risk factors with carotid intima-media thickness in middle-age adults and elders. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. Vol.24-No.7:677-686. Jan. 2017. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3)
  51. Wu SH, Wu YJ*。  Treatment strategy and response for pulmonary arterial hypertension。 台灣醫學 Formosan Journal of Medicine。 20卷-2期:167-176。 3月 2016。 (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
  52. Chen C, Chen YZ, Wang KT, Shih SC, Liu CC, Kuo JY, Hou CJ, Wu YJ, Hung CL, Yeh HI.  The association among age, early mitral leaflet closure, cardiac structure, diastolic indices and NT-proBNP in an asymptomatic Taiwanese population. IJC Heart & Vasculature. Vol.8:114-121. Jun. 2015. (Index Medicus或Excerpta Medica期刊 )
  53. Chen YC, Hsu KH, Chiou HY, Juang YL, Wu TZ, Hung CL, Liu CC, Wu YJ, Yeh HI, Wang LY.  Association of lipid-related genetic markers with elevated carotid intima-media thickness in middle-age adults and elders. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. Vol.189:264-266. Jun. 2015. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3)
  54. Duggirala A, Kimura TE, Sala-Newby GB, Johnson JL, Wu YJ, Newby AC, Bond M.  cAMP-induced actin cytoskeleton remodelling inhibits MKL1-dependent expression of the chemotactic and pro-proliferative factor, CCN1. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY. Vol.79:157-168. Feb. 2015. (SCI/SCIE)
  55. Chiang CE, Wang TD, Ueng KC, Lin TH, Yeh HI, Chen CY, Wu YJ, Tsai WC, Chao TH, Chen CH, Chu PH, Chao CL, Liu PY, Sung SH, Cheng HM, Wang KL, Li YH, Chiang FT, Chen JH, Chen WJ, Yeh SJ, Lin SJ.  Guideline of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology and the Taiwan Hypertension Society for the management of hypertension. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. Vol.78-No.1:1-47. Jan. 2015. (SCI/SCIE)
  56. Wu TW, Chan HL, Hung CL, Lu IJ, Wang SD, Wang SW, Wu YJ, Wang LY, Yeh HI, Wei YH.  Differential patterns of effects of age and sex on metabolic syndrome in Taiwan: Implication for the inadequate internal consistency of the current criteria. DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE. Vol.105-No.2:239-244. Aug. 2014. (SCI/SCIE)
  57. Lai YH, Liu CC, Kuo JY, Hung TC, Wu YJ, Yeh HI, Bulwer BE, Hung CL.  Independent effects of body fat and inflammatory markers on ventricular geometry, midwall function, and atrial remodeling. Clinical Cardiology. Vol.37-No.3:172-177. Mar. 2014. (SCI/SCIE)
  58. Lo CI, Lai YH, Wu YJ, Yun CH, Hung CL, Bulwer BE, Yeh HI.  Cardiac systolic mechanics in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: new insights and controversies. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.29-No.6:515-523. Nov. 2013. (SCI/SCIE)
  59. Yen CH, Hung CL, Wu YJ, Tsai JP, Hung TC, Su CH, Kuo JY, Yeh HI, Tsai CH.  Relationship between Metabolic scores, systemic inflammation, renal function, and high-risk peripheral arterial disease. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.7-No.3:142-146. Sep. 2013. (SCI/SCIE)
  60. Hung CL, Hung TC, Lai YH, Lu CS, Wu YJ, Yeh HI.  Beyond malignancy: the role of carbohydrate antigen 125 in heart failure. Biomarker Research. Vol.1-No.1:25-30. Aug. 2013. (SCI/SCIE)
  61. Wang HH, Su CH, Wu YJ, Li JY, Tseng YM, Lin YC, Hsieh CL, Tsai CH, Yeh HI.  Reduction of connexin43 in human endothelial progenitor cells impairs the angiogenic potential. ANGIOGENESIS. Vol.16-No.3:553-560. Jul. 2013. (SCI/SCIE)
  62. Yun CH, Bezerra HG, Wu TH, Yang FS, Liu CC, Wu YJ, Kuo JY, Hung CL, Lee JJ, Hou CJ, Yeh HI, Longenecker CT, Cury RC.  The normal limits, subclinical significance, related metabolic derangements and distinct biological effects of body site-specific adiposity in relatively healthy population. PLoS One. Vol.8-No.4:e61997. Apr. 2013. (SCI/SCIE)
  63. Hung CL, Po HL, Liu CC, Yen CH, Wu YJ, Hou CJ, Kuo JY, Yeh HI, Su S.  The utilization of carotid artery imaging beyond metabolic scores and high-sensitivity CRP in screening intermediate-to-high Framingham risk of asymptomatic Taiwanese population. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. Vol.29-No.4:765-775. Apr. 2013. (SCI/SCIE)
  64. Chen CH, Hung CL, Po HL, Yun CH, Wu YJ, Liu CC, Kuo JY, Tsai CH, Yeh HI.  Early detection of subclinical atherosclerosis in asymptomatic patients assessed by carotid duplex and coronary computed tomography. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.7-No.1:27-34. Mar. 2013. (SCI/SCIE)
  65. Lai YH, Lo CIWu YJHung CLYeh HI.  Cardiac remodeling, adaptation and associated myocardial mechanics in hypertensive heart diseases. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.29:64-70. Jan. 2013. (SCI/SCIE)
  66. Su CH, Wu YJ, Chang CY, Tien TY, Tseng SW, Tsai CH, Bettinger T, Tsai CH, Yeh HI.  The increase of VEGF secretion from endothelial progenitor cells post ultrasonic VEGF gene delivery enhances the proliferation and migration of endothelial cells. ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. Vol.39-No.1:134-145. Jan. 2013. (SCI/SCIE)
  67. Liao ZY, Peng MC, Yun CH, Lai YH, Po HL, Hou CJ, Kuo JY, Hung CL*, Wu YJ, Bulwer BE, Yeh HI, Tsai CH.  Relation of carotid artery diameter with cardiac geometry and mechanics in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Journal of the American Heart Association. Vol.1:e3053. Dec. 2012. (SCI/SCIE)
  68. Hung CL, Hung TC, Liu CC, Wu YJ*, Kuo JY, Hou CJY, Yeh HI.  Relation of carbohydrate antigen 125 to left atrial remodeling and its prognostic usefulness in patients with heart failure and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction in women.. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. Vol.110-No.7:993-1000. Oct. 2012. (SCI/SCIE)
  69. Su CH, Wu YJ, Wang HH, Yeh HI.  Non-viral gene therapy targeting cardiovascular system. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-HEART AND CIRCULATORY PHYSIOLOGY. Vol.303-No.6:629-638. Sep. 2012. (SCI/SCIE)
  70. Hung CLWu YJLiu CC, Chi BC, Chang SSWang LYYeh HI, Wei YH.  Rationale and design of MAGNET (Mitochondria-Aging in NorthErn Taiwan Study): a community-based cohort investigating mitochondria-related aging and cardiovascular disease in suburban area of northern Taiwan.. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.6:122-126. Jun. 2012. (SCI/SCIE)
  71. Yun CH, Lin TY, Wu YJ, Liu CC, Kuo JY, Yeh HI, Yang FS, Chen SC, Hou CJY, Bezerra HG, Hung CL, Cury RC.  Pericardial and thoracic peri-aortic adipose tissue contribute to systemic inflammation and calcified coronary atherosclerosis independent of body fat composition, anthropometric measures and traditional cardiovascular risks. European Journal of Radiology. Vol.81:749-756. Apr. 2012. (SCI/SCIE)
  72. Wang HH, Su CH, Wu YJ, Lin CAJ, Lee CH, Shen JL, Chan WH, Yeh HI.  Application of gold in biomedicine: past, present and future. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.6:1-4. Mar. 2012. (SCI/SCIE)
  73. Hung TC, Lu SK, Su CH, Wu YJ, Hsieh CL, Lee WH, Tsai CH, Yeh HI.  Remodeling of rabbit abdominal aorta and Cx43 gap junctions after stent placement: effect of balloon injury plus cholesterol-enriched diet. International Angiology. Vol.31:62-69. Feb. 2012. (SCI/SCIE)
  74. Lai YH, Yun CH, Yang FS, Liu CC, Wu YJ, Kuo JY, Yeh HI, Lin TY, Bezerra HG, Shih SC, Tsai CH, Hung CL.  Epicardial adipose tissue relating to anthropometrics, metabolic derangements and Fatty liver disease independently contributes to serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein beyond body fat composition: a study validated with computed tomography. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography. Vol.25:234-241. Feb. 2012. (SCI/SCIE)
  75. Lee YH, Wu YJ, Liu CC, Hou CJ, Yeh HI, Tsai CH, Shih SC, Hung CL.  The severity of fatty liver disease relating to metabolic abnormalities independently predicts coronary calcification. Radiology Research and Practice. Vol.2011:1-8. Dec. 2011. (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
  76. Li JY, Su CH, Wu YJ, Tien TY, Hsieh CL, Chen CH, Tseng YM, Shi GY, Wu HL, Tsai CH, Lin FY, Yeh HI.  Therapeutic angiogenesis of human early endothelial progenitor cells is enhanced by thrombomodulin. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY. Vol.31:2518-2525. Nov. 2011. (SCI/SCIE)
  77. Yen CH, Tsai JP, Wu YJ, Kuo JY, Yeh HI, Hou CJ, Liu CC, Hung CL.  Change of body surface electrocardiogram is linked to left ventricular geometric alteration from normal, pre-hypertension to hypertension: comparison of NT-ProBNP and hs-CRP in determining ventricular remodeling. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.27:29-37. Mar. 2011. (SCI/SCIE)
  78. Hung CL, Wu YJ, Liu CC, Hou CJ, Hung TC, Yeh HI, Shih SC, Tsai CH, Peng MC.  Age-related ventricular remodeling is an independent risk for heart failure symptoms in subjects with preserved systolic function. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.5:17-24. Mar. 2011. (SCI/SCIE)
  79. Hewer RC, Sala-Newby GB, Wu YJ,  Newby AC, Bond M.  PKA and Epac synergistically inhibit smooth muscle cell proliferation. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. Vol.50:87-98. Jan. 2011. (SCI)
  80. Bond M, Wu YJ.  Proliferation unleashed: the role of Skp2 in vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. Frontiers in Bioscience. Vol.16:1517-1535. Jan. 2011. (SCI)
  81. Liu CC, Hung CL, Shih SC, Ko HJ, Lu YT, Wu YJ, Cheng HY, Hu KC, Yeh HI, Chang RE.  Age-related differences in the clinical presentation, associated metabolic abnormality, and estimated cardiovascular risks from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a cross-sectional study from health evaluation center in Taiwan. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.4:184-191. Dec. 2010. (SCI)
  82. Wu HP, Wu TY, Hou CJ, Tsai CH, Wu YJ*.  Acquired restrictive thoracic dystrophy induced cor pulmonale. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.26:132-135. Jun. 2010. (SCI)
  83. Wang HH, Yeh HI, Wang CY, Su CH, Wu YJ, Tseng YY, Lin YC, Tsai CH.  C-reactive protein, sodium azide, and endothelial connexin43 gap junctions. Cell Biology and Toxicology. Vol.26:153-163. Apr. 2010. (SCI)
  84. Su CH, Chang CY, Wang HH, Wu YJ, Tsai CH, Yeh HI.  Ultrasonic microbubble-mediated gene delivery causes phenotypic changes of human aortic endothelial cells. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Vol.36:449-458. Mar. 2010. (SCI)
  85. Shiao CC, Tsai CT, Wu YJ, Yeh HI, Hou CJ, Tsai CH.  Pheochromocytoma induced acute myocarditis – two case reports. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.25:229-233. Dec. 2009. (SCI)
  86. Wu YJ, Sala-Newby GB, Shu KT, Yeh HI, Nakayama KI, Nakayama K, Newby AC, Bond M.  S-phase kinase-associated protein-2 (Skp2) promotes vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and neointima formation in vivo. Journal of Vascular Surgery. Vol.50:1135-1142. Nov. 2009. (SCI)
  87. Hung CL, Liu CC, Yeh HI, Ko HJ, Hou CJ, Tsai CH, Wu YJ*.  NT-ProBNP but not high sensitivity CRP independently predicts abnormal exercise Duke score in well-controlled hypertension and pre-hypertension – a study from the subjects undergoing health evaluation. Acta Cardiologica Sinica. Vol.25:7-17. Mar. 2009. (SCI)
  88. Shiao MS, Chiu JJ, Chang BW, Wang J, Jen WP, Wu YJ, Chen YL.  In search of antioxidants and anti-atherosclerotic agents from herbal medicines. Biofactors. Vol.34:147-157. Dec. 2008. (SCI)
  89. Bond M, Wu YJ*, Sala-Newby GB, Newby AC.  Rho GTPase, Rac1, regulates Skp2 levels, vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and intima formation in vitro and in vivo. Cardiovascular Research. Vol.80:290-298. Nov. 2008. (SCI)
  90. Wu YJ*, Yeh HI, Hou CJ, Tsai CH, Newby AC, Bond M.  Beyond oncogenesis: the role of S-phase kinase-associated protein-2 (Skp2) in the vascular restenosis. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.2:158-166. Sep. 2008. (SCI)
  91. Hou CJ, Tsai CH, Su CH, Wu YJ, Chen SJ, Chiu JJ, Shiao MS, Yeh HI.  Diabetes reduces aortic endothelial gap junctions in ApoE-deficient mice: simvastatin exacerbates the reduction. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. Vol.56:745-752. Aug. 2008. (SCI)
  92. Wu YJ, Bond M, Sala-Newby GB, Newby AC.  Altered S-phase kinase-associated protein-2 levels are a major mediator of cyclic nucleotide-induced inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. Circulation Research. Vol.98:1141-1150. May. 2006. (SCI)
  93. Bond M, Sala-Newby GB, Wu YJ, Newby AC.  Biphasic effect of p21Cip1 on smooth muscle cell proliferation: Role of PI 3-kinase and Skp2-mediated degradation. Cardiovascular Research. Vol.69:198-206. Jan. 2006. (SCI)
  1. Wu YJ*, Huang LL.  Different subject tested determines different expression of empathy? – an analysis from the medical student enrollment through General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) in Taiwan. Association of Medication Education in Europe (AMEE) 2022. Aug. 2022.
  2. 吳懿哲*。  Lifestyle modification (published paper presentation). 中華民國心臟學會第51屆年會暨學術演講會. 8月 2021.
  3. Wu YJ*, Huang LL.  Self-control leads to happiness? – An analysis from the semi-structured interview regarding medical student responses to their internet behaviors. Association of Medication Education in Europe (AMEE) 2021. Aug. 2021.
  4. Wu YJ*.  Key learnings from the patient cases. The 19th International PH Forum. Jun. 2021.
  5. Wu YJ*, Peng CC, Chu CH, Yeh HI.  Is “7” better than “6”? – An analysis from the postgraduate year (PGY) doctor enrollment examination in a medical center in Taiwan. Association of Medication Education in Europe (AMEE) 2020. Sep. 2020.
  6. 吳懿哲*。  Late complication of pulmonary embolism. 中華民國心臟學會第50屆年會暨學術演講會. 7月 2020.
  7. 吳懿哲*。  Treatment of diabetes in patients with risk factors alone (the published paper presentation). 中華民國心臟學會第50屆年會暨學術演講會. 7月 2020.
  8. Wu YJ*, Chen CF, Lee CS, Kao CM, Yeh HI.  Multiple mini interviews for selection of medical students: Does gender difference matter?. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2015. Sep. 2015.
  9. Wu YJ*, Liu WT, Shu KT, Chang KT, Hsieh CL, Wei YH, Yeh HI.  Deferoxamine accelerates senescence in endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) in vitro and in vivo – a promising model for EPC senescence research.. Scientific Session 2013, American Heart Association (AHA). Nov. 2013.
  10. Wu YJ*, Liu WT, Shu KT, Chang KT, Hsieh CL, Wei YH, Yeh HI.  A novel model to accelerate senescence in endothelial progenitor cells in vitro and in vivo by an iron-chelator deferoxamine.. The 43rd Annual Convention & Scientific Session of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology. May. 2013.
  11. Wu YJ*, Wang HH, Shu KT, Liu WT, Wei YH, Yeh HI.  Skp2 rescues endothelial progenitor cell senescence in vitro and in vivo. The Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwan Society of Lipid & Atherosclerosis 2012, and the 12th Taipei. Sep. 2012.
  12. Wu YJ*, Wang HH, Shu KT, Liu WT, Wei YH, Yeh HI.  Skp2 rescues endothelial progenitor cell senescence in vitro and in vivo.. Scientific Session 2012, European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Aug. 2012.
  13. Wu YJ*.  Skp2, a friend or foe for vascular stenosis?. Asian-Pacific Society of Cardiology Subspecialty Congress – Intervention and Imaging 2012. May. 2012.
  14. Lai YH, Wu YJ, Kuo JY, Yeh HI, Hung CL.  The association between pericardial fat volume, cardiac structural alteration and diastolic function. Asian-Pacific Society of Cardiology Subspecialty Congress – Intervention and Imaging 2012. May. 2012.
  15. Hung CL, Wu YJ, Liu CC, Chi BC, Chang SS, Wang LY, Yeh HI.  The association between cardiovascular risks, carotid artery examination and LV geometry in the MAGNET (Mitochondria-Aging in NorthErn Taiwan) Study: a community-based cohort investigating mitochondria-related aging and cardiovascular diseases in suburban areas of northern Taiwan. Asian-Pacific Society of Cardiology Subspecialty Congress – Intervention and Imaging 2012. May. 2012.
  16. Hung CL, Wu YJ, Liu CC, Hou CJ, Shih SC, Tsai CH, Yeh HI.  Gender-related differences of arterial stiffness and ventricular wall stress on contractile function and triggered release of N-terminal pro-BNP in hypertension and diastolic failure. The 8th Asian-Pacific Congress of Hypertension 2011. Nov. 2011.
  17. Wu YJ*, Hung CL, Chen JC, Wang SD, Wu TW, Wang SW, Wei YH, Yeh HI, Wang LY.  A community-based adult cohort study on aging-related disorders, metabolic syndrome and carotid atherosclerosis. The 8th Asian-Pacific Congress of Hypertension 2011. Nov. 2011.
  18. Lai YH, Yun CH, Wu YJ, Kuo JY, Yeh HI, Tsai CH, Hung CL.  Different impacts of body fat composition and computed-tomography- determined visceral fat on left ventricular mass, geometry and left atrial structural alteration. Scientific Session 2011, American Heart Association (AHA). Nov. 2011.
  19. Wu YJ*, Wang HH, Shu KT, Liu WT, Wei YH, Yeh HI.  The roles of S-phase kinase-associated protein-2 and mitochondrial malfunction in the aging-related endothelial progenitor cell-cycle retardation. The Scientific Session 2011, American Heart Association (AHA). Nov. 2011.
  20. Wu YJ, Hung TC, Yeh HI, Kuo JY, Hou CJ, Hung CL.  CA 125 as a novel clinical surrogate for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and an independent predictor for heart failure hospitalization in women. The Scientific Session 2011, European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Aug. 2011.
  21. Wu YJ*, Bond M, Shu KT, Tseng SW, Newby AC, Yeh HI.  S-phase kinase-associated protein-2 regulates vascular smooth muscle cell migration via p21Cip1-Cdc42/Rac1, but not p27Kip1-RhoA signalling. At the Scientific Session 2011, European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Aug. 2011.
  22. Wu YJ*, Wang HH, Shu KT, Liu WT, Wei YH, Yeh HI.  The roles of s-phase kinase-associated protein-2 and mitochondrial dysfunction in the aging-related endothelial progenitor cell-cycle retardation. 2011 Mackay International Symposium on Mitochondrial Medicine in Human Health and Diseases. Jul. 2011.
  23. Wu YJ*, Wang HH, Shu KT, Liu WT, Wei YH, Yeh HI.  The roles of Skp2 and mitochondrial malfunction in the aging-related endothelial progenitor cell-cycle retardation in vitro and in vivo. The 41th Annual Convention & Scientific Session, Taiwan Society of Cardiology. May. 2011.
  24. Wang HH, Tseng YM, Lin YC, Wu YJ, Tsai CH, Yeh HI.  Senescence disturbs the network structure and functional integrity of mitochondria in human endothelial progenitor cells. The 41th Annual Convention & Scientific Session, Taiwan Society of Cardiology. May. 2011.
2022-07~2023-02Ginsenoside compound K in regulation of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells proliferation:searchi主持人
2019-08~2022-07第二型乙醛去氫酶對ApoE基因剔除小鼠引發肺動脈高壓之作用: 著重於病理機制、治療應用與生物標記潛力主持人
2018-08~2019-07Novel miRNAs in regulation of EPC functions and related vascular diseases (3/3)主持人
2017-08~2018-07Novel miRNAs in regulation of EPC functions and related vascular diseases (2/3)主持人
2016-08~2017-07Novel miRNAs in regulation of EPC functions and related vascular diseases (1/3)主持人
2016-08~2017-07校外研究計畫獎助款_吳懿哲 _1051B12主持人
2014-08~2015-07The role of parkin and mitophagy in endothelial progenitor cell senescence主持人
2013-08~2016-07Research on the aging of endothelial progenitor cells: emphasis on mechanisms, prevention, and application in cardiovascular diseases共同主持人
2012-08~2014-07Establishment of rapid senescence model for endothelial progenitor cell in vitro and in vivo主持人
2011-08~2012-07The role of mitochondrial malfunction and Skp2 regulation in aging-related endothelial progenitor cell dysfunction主持人
2010-08~2013-07Researches on the determinants and mechanisms of aging-related disorders: emphasis on the mitochondrial dysfunction共同主持人
2010-08~2011-07Underlying mechanism of diabetes accelerated atherosclerosis progresssion –a metabolomic approach主持人
2007-08~2010-07The influences of diabetes mellitus on the proliferation as well as the regulation of S-phase kinase-associated protein-2 (Skp2) and gap junction in vascular cells主持人
2007-01~2007-12The role of S-phase kinase-associated protein-2 in the regulation of proliferation, migration and apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle cell in vitro and in vivo主持人
2011-11Systolic Blood Pressure: Influences, Association aHung CL, Lai YH, Wu YJ, Yeh HI
2007-12Vascular Complications in Human DiseaseBond M, Wu YJ, Sala-Newby GB, Newby AC
2002-03Free radicals in food: chemistry, nutrition and heShiao MS, Wu YJ, Lin E, Kuo WJ, Chang BW
競賽表 - 獎項名稱頒獎機構獎項性質獲獎日期
The First Prize Award in Poster CompetitionTaiwan Society of Lipid & Atherosclerosis國內2012-09-23
Poster Award, The Third PlaceMackay Medical College國內2011-07-09
The Best Presentation Award in Basic SciencesTaiwan Society of Cardiology國內2011-05-14
Young Research Workers' PrizeBritish Cardiac Society國外2006-04-26
2020-09-01 ~
2020-09-01 ~
2020-03-23 ~
2020-03-23 ~
2018-10-01 ~
2018-05-05 ~
2016-01-01 ~
European Society of CardiologyFellow
2015-05-01 ~
2013-03-10 ~
2012-10-01 ~
2012-08-01 ~
2012-05-01 ~
2019-06-30 ~
Scientific Reports編輯委員
2011-01-01 ~
International Journal of Gerontology編輯委員
2011-01-01 ~
International Journal of Gerontology審查委員
2008-05-01 ~
Acta Cardiologica Sinica編輯委員
2008-05-01 ~
Acta Cardiologica Sinica審查委員
2020-06-30 ~
2015-03-21 ~
2012-09-22 ~
The First Prize Award in the Poster CompetitionTaiwan
2012-07-01 ~
2011-07-09 ~
Poster Award, the Thrid PlaceTaiwan
2011-05-14 ~
The Best Presentation Award in Basic SciencesTaiwan
2010-01-01 ~
2009-01-01 ~
2009-01-01 ~
2008-01-01 ~
2007-01-01 ~
2006-04-01 ~
Young Research Worker's PrizeUK
2002-01-01 ~
優秀論文獎第一名 (病例報告類)台灣
2000-01-01 ~
1998-01-01 ~
1994-06-14 ~



